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January 25, 2017

Thompson: Executive Order Amounts to Mere Political Theater

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security, released the following statement on President Trump’s Executive Order on the “border wall”:

“The signing of today’s Executive Order on the “border wall” is nothing more than political theater that will do little to better secure America’s borders. The Department of Homeland Security already has the authority to build border fence where there is operational need. Wasting billions on a wall will do nothing to address the thousands of people arriving at our borders, not trying to circumvent the existing fence or evade Border Patrol agents. It will do nothing to address those who come here legally, but overstay their visas."

"Putting the $11 billion wall on the American taxpayers' credit card, knowing that Mexico has absolutely no intention of paying for it, is reneging on a campaign promise he made to the American people. Democrats refuse to allow President Trump to stick the American people with a bill for a wall the Border Patrol has not asked for and will do nothing to address the real border security challenges facing our Nation.”

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